(Complete review coming after second reading)
**Contains few spoilers**
Theme : Role of relationships in life. That is their role in pursuit or hinderance to achievements in life. Achievements involving pursuit of values like a good school, a good life, profession of choice, a good lover etc.
Plot-Theme : How love of a linguistically inferior in English Bihar boy, towards rich and sophisticated uptown Delhi girl drives important life choices he makes, corresponding actions he takes, and success he gets. Secondarily these choices being driven by other relationships as well, like his mother, local MLA, Bill Gates foundation people, friends in college and later etc. And relationships also driving choices and actions of female protangonist, mother of male protagonist, husband of female protagonist for sometime and his mother, local MLA etc.
Plot :
Fast paced and action-oriented. Forward movement, whether in relationships or in pursuit of goals. Movement of plot and appearance of conflict driven by the view of characters towards relationships in general, and towards particular relationships. Important milestones driving the plot being combination of chance and choice, the ratio of element of choice and element of chance varying.
a.) Madhav-Riya friendship and break-up : Driven mostly by choice except initial part.
b.) Madhav deciding to help out mother with school rather than pursue a good bank job : Driven by choice.
c.) Meeting Riya second time : Driven mostly by chance, with very little element of choice.
d.) Discovering true condition and motivations of Riya : Mostly chance, though I think there might be very little element of choice here as well.
e.) Finally finding Riya : Even balance of chance and choice, loading in favor of chance
(In Ayn Rand novels, all the action is determined by choice of main characters).
Whether you agree or not with the element of chance in plot movement, the fact that the plot indeed moves forward, without taking arbitrary leaps, is a very satisfying read. Whether its life or fiction, forward movement, occassional conflicts, happiness on their resolution, despair and strength(mental, emotional, and to lesser extent these days - physical) are essence of life.
a.) Madhav-Riya friendship and break-up : Driven mostly by choice except initial part.
b.) Madhav deciding to help out mother with school rather than pursue a good bank job : Driven by choice.
c.) Meeting Riya second time : Driven mostly by chance, with very little element of choice.
d.) Discovering true condition and motivations of Riya : Mostly chance, though I think there might be very little element of choice here as well.
e.) Finally finding Riya : Even balance of chance and choice, loading in favor of chance
(In Ayn Rand novels, all the action is determined by choice of main characters).
Whether you agree or not with the element of chance in plot movement, the fact that the plot indeed moves forward, without taking arbitrary leaps, is a very satisfying read. Whether its life or fiction, forward movement, occassional conflicts, happiness on their resolution, despair and strength(mental, emotional, and to lesser extent these days - physical) are essence of life.
Characters :
a.) Madhav : Low self-esteem, but disciplined dedication towards his important life-goals. Passionate about few people he loves and admires. Acts to promote and preserve relationships, though at times too hasty promotion leads to snapping of relationships instead. Started by being unsure of what actions to take, but as his love matures overtime, he becomes more and more confident of his pursuits. Sex and relationships(in general) a means of acquiring self-esteem rather than expressing them. Gains confidence from relationships and invests that confidence in personal and professional pursuits, rather than other way it ought to be. Has a strong connection between his fundamental values discovered overtime, and emotional response to those values. Values may be abstract like his view of relationships in general, or concrete like Riya, school, mother, basketball etc. Basic conflict arising when he puts lesser values before deeper ones, like his view that the relationship should be promoted before connection to Riya, and her aspirations.
b.) Riya : Spiteful of relationships because of being sexually exploited by a trusted person when she was very young. Spite increases many fold after failed attempt of Madhav and bad marraige.
Spite leading her to abandon Madhav at crucial point in the relationship.
Wants to pursue professional ambition more passionately than Madhav, but lacks confidence to achieve it independently. Is finally able to pursue the dream, though after taking help from person she never forgives. The lack of confidence in independent action also leading to wrong choices like bad marraige.
But when we saw her side as a skilful planner and master executive during training of Madhav in English speaking, we realize that under-confidence has foundation in her deep skepticism rather than actual facts.
c.) Rani Sahiba(Madhav's mother) : Loves her son, wants affection and obedience from son more than the relationship deserves. Over-protective of her son due to heightened expectations. Action oriented for what she values, like running school and in her brief confrontation with Riya.
d.) Rohan : Seeks power in personal and professional aspects of his life. Wants to accomplish what he wants(Riya and empire of Hotel business), without thinking through all aspects. Does not reason the opinion of his mother or Riya, acts based on who has said rather than what. Gets bored very quickly after achieving the object of his desire. Loves his mother without really analyzing her actions or motivations.
e.) Ojha MLA : Bit corrupt but development oriented, ambitious politician. Values relationships for personal benefits and ambition.
f.) Shailesh : Intelligent, Hard-working, practical, "work life-personal life" balance despite tough work schedule. Values friendship, but is not afraid to give honest opinion, and abandon friend if he crosses the line.
Style :
Description of scene where actions take place is quite vivid. Whether its St. Stephens college or other posh areas of Delhi. The dilipitated house, school, or village / city in Bihar. Or street, avenues, park, clubs and restaurants of New York. These are detailed, and description is just enough to engage the reader to story, but not distract him with too much irrelevant information. Description of appearance is limited, but verbalizing thoughts of protagonist or emphasizing subtle actions of secondary characters conveys a lot. Even the places they live, or the conditions they live in tells a lot about people. Historical references to Battle of Buxar or industrial revolution, also try to explain the current situation of Bihar better. References to popular events like youtube video of Steve Jobs are also very captivating, capturing the attention of reader.All in all, while characters, plot, and theme are also strong, and much better than contemporaries. Its his style that makes Chetan Bhagat the darling of masses, and maybe the object of hatred among mainstream intellectuals.
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