Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Study-Group on How iPhone was conceptualized and developed

Look at your mobile phone, and the mobile phone of people around you. Chances are that these devices will either be iPhone by Apple, or Android based phones from Samsung, Xiomi, Lenovo, or Sony. Small differences between the two types apart, they are overwhelmingly similar in overall look, use and feel. Just ten years back, smart phone market was filled with very different devices. Ranging from Nokia N series phones dominating the product category, to Motorola devices, to Blackberry by RIM. What was that which transformed the mobile devices landscape in a short span of 10 years?

Multi-touch technology and software innovations like virtual keyboard were the primary drivers of this world altering change. Taking keyboard hardware out of the picture, and allowing the extra space to be used for better display experience while using the phone. How did these ideas originate? Who were the key people behind these ideas? What were the motivations of these people? What was their background and work experience? How these ideas then transformed into a delightful product?

Study-Group is a powerful medium to get in-depth knowledge of subject, and I invite you to study How iPhone was conceptualized and developed. Having spent almost 5 years in various study-groups, I now move on to understand something that deeply impacts many or all of us. Check out following link to understand how exactly the journey will begin, proceed, and conclude.


OR (if above doesn't work)

http://forum.objectivismonline.com/ -> Browse -> Forums -> The Laboratory -> The Objectivist Study Groups -> BECOMING STEVE JOBS: HOW A RECKLESS UPSTART BECAME A VISIONARY LEADER

Steps are as follows :
1. Signup in objectivismonline.com forum
2. Login
3. Goto the following forum
http://forum.objectivismonline.com/ -> Browse -> Forums -> Science and the Humanities -> Engineering & Technology -> STUDY GROUP ON HOW iPHONE WAS CONCEPTUALIZED AND DEVELOPED
4. Convey your intent by posting in this thread. The post can be as small as containing the text “I will participate”. However I think if you post your work, education, and personal information (like Hobbies and activism related activities), it will lead to better collaboration with other Study-Group members.

5. Actual Study-Group will take place in this thread starting 11th July for 5 weeks

Please message me if you face any problem in understanding or implementing the steps mentioned.
This is my facebook profile - https://www.facebook.com/rohin.gupta.18

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