Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Kira Peikoff's "No Time To Die"

Available here -


What Freedom is, and what it is not? What are the consequences of having and not having freedom? And what are the prerequisites of Freedom?


Coercive regulations, too much government interference, sensation and propaganda driven mainstream media. How these cultural products slow down and stop progress in medical science? Alternatively, system where researchers, patients, venture capitalists, and their facilitators voluntarily trade. How such system leads to astonishing progress in medical science? Further, it also shows how reason can be used to overcome misunderstanding, or reach certainty in human relationships if people have an overall positive view of themselves and of other men.


1. Galileo : Very efficient in managing network that works in medical innovations. Network's recruitments and secrecy are pursued very skilfully by him. He is also very understanding and caring of people he values, and acts to help them whenever he thinks its required. He has a troubled past where he has lost his loved ones, and as a result he is conflicted and cautious in his present relationships, especially Romantic.
Purposeful action to achieve his long term, medium term, and short term goals being the defining feature of his character.

2. Natalie : Hard working, exceptionally intelligent, and very dedicated to her professional course. Very caring of her son, and of people like Zoe, Galileo, Helen, and others she gets to know and appreciate. Empathy also reflected towards small associations like her professional colleagues, and people she occasionally interacts with.
Defining characteristic being her courage to take risks after thinking about pros and cons in relation to her values, that is her work and her son.

3. Les Mahler : A bureaucrat convinced that genetic science will destroy the world, if not controlled by government. This idea leading him to vigorously pursue the network and its leader, and also contemplate killing an innocent child because of her genes. Willing to bend rules when official processes don't yield desired results, and use coercive threats and occasional bribery to get the work done by illegal means. As we later come to see, he has destructive agenda of his own, and will go to any lengths to destroy the things he does not like. At a deeper level we see that he is unwilling to take responsibility for his failures, and rationalizes his failed actions to blame someone else, mostly research scientists. And at deepest level, the hatred and paranoia comes from his inability to get over the bad childhood memories, bullies in particular.
Defining feature being his agenda to control scientific research in general, and Galileo's network in particular. Rationalization coming from the belief that he is saving earth's resources from overpopulation, virus called man etc.

4. Zoe : A girl affected by extremely rare genetic mutation, that makes her the target of medical science and political community. A passionate valuer when it comes to caring for her maternal grandfather, or for her own condition. Willing to go to any extent to fix the wrongs they are in. Develops inferiority complex because of the condition her body is in. Is naive in her initial understanding, but willing to learn about her condition in depth, about adolescence in general, genetic science, and the politics and ethics surrounding it.
Defining characteristic being her free spirit. Upholding independence of thought, values, and acting even in the face of extreme peril.

5. Granpa – Zoe's maternal grandfather : A very caring person when it comes to handling Zoe emotionally, her actions, and her relationship with parents. Has had very successful careers as athlete and physician. Has read good collection, and applies those learnings along with his experience to help Zoe. His understanding of Zoe's condition, and his willingness to help her in pursuit he thinks is right, being the defining characteristic.

6. Stephen Kincaid – Zoe's father : He comes out as very dominating figure, pushing his own flawed agenda onto his daughter. When things go out of control, and he later loses her, looks like he has realized his mistake.

7. Zoe's mother : She comes out as very noncommittal person, who does not seem to have any deep values. So ends up supporting whatever her husband says, and reacts with shallow emotions when things go wrong.

8. Theo : Son of Natalie whom she loves immensely. Very mature in handling relationships, whether its false news report related to Natalie, or handling tough situations while escaping to Network, or handling Zoe when she develops inner conflict within the campus. He has passion for computers and technology in general. 
His deep understanding of relationships, and about growing up in general being the defining characteristic.

9. Julian : Physically weak but quite clever. Tactfully handles when questioned by Les and others about his links to the network.


The tight plot full of twists and turns is the strongest aspect of the novel. Galileo and Zoe most times, and Natalie and Les sometimes being the movers of the plot. While the actions of Galileo move in the background, the actions of Zoe and Natalie are most visible in the initial part of the novel. Zoe motivated by the desire to discover and improve her condition, and to contribute to research that can help medical condition of Granpa. Natalie's passion to develop anti-aging techniques so that she can push ahead medical science, and also raising her son well, being the motivations that drive her and the plot. Like John Galt in Atlas Shrugged, Galileo comes into forefront of plot movement as the story progresses. Whether its deft handling of escape to the Network compound, arranging resources for driving research in the network, collecting and applying timely intelligence to secure secrecy of Network, or clarifying Zoe's insecurities. In each of the key moments he emerges as the man of clear thinking, quick and accurate decision making. A man of action, actions that are thought through. While Galileo most times is the prime mover, villain Les Mahler is also the mover. Whether its probing the moles of the Network in Columbia University, trying to track Natalie and kids when they escape, or later investigating the location of Network compound. Being a villain while he is dominantly irrational and brutal, there are elements of cleverness that drive the plot, particularly his blackmailing and occasional incentivizing of a hacker on parole.


Content of the novel primarily belongs to Biotechnology in particular, and medicine in general. Explaining the technical terms and very specific processes of these lesser known fields I think is a major challenge. Use of metaphors like searching lighted weed in an ocean for finding master gene, or chromosomes and genes being like chapters and words of a book are the few examples where complex concepts are explained. Often Zoe is used as an archetype for normal reader being explained to. Also, from time to time Kira makes it a point to reveal motivations of characters for their actions. Whether its value driven actions of positive characters, or rationalization and fear driven actions of negative ones. Occasional impulses of positive characters like Zoe escaping the compound also have valid reasoning. So simplifying technical complexities, and providing motivations along with specific actions of characters forms the core of style elements in novel.


So far I have reviewed the major elements of this fiction work – theme, plot theme, characters, plot, and style. Going a step further I would now discuss the writer's “Sense of Life”. That is, what aspects of life and man she considers important.

Clearly there is lots of optimism for what science and technology can do, and validly so. Then there is appreciation of how reason can lead to understanding in human relationships, provided there is benevolent view of man, life and existence on both sides.

To elaborate on the finer aspects I would compare sensibilities to those in We The Living by Ayn Rand. Compared to We The Living, the hero is clearly much more stronger, almost approaching John Galt of Atlas Shrugged in his thoughts and actions. There is however a minor let down when it comes to heroine's view of Hero. Overall no doubt she revers his intelligence, his actions, and his style derived from these. But that makes conversation in “Chapter 21” even more painful. After cops leave Julian's house leave, Theo makes a really cheap joke. Sometime later Natalie lightly accuses Galileo of not laughing. Given the situation, I think the joke and remark could have been avoided. But at a deeper level, it seems that Kira Peikoff does not yet has a fully integrated view of Hero, especially the single minded persistence needed in the face of mortal danger. So in that sense, attitude of character Kira from We The Living towards Leo was much more reverential and consistent. From the theme perspective, the level of No Time to Die is political like We The Living. Impact of “Totalitarian State” on lives being the theme of latter. In No Time to Die however, the foundations of freedom in reason are explored to a much greater extent. Like the explanation of Galileo as to how Humans can adapt to progress like anti-aging technologies. In We The Living, while ethics of self-interest finds form in various actions, given the dark setup, scope for what reason means is limited. Further, the altruistic and irrational foundations of Les Mahler's coercive and violent actions is also explored in sufficient detail.

Another aspect I would like to explore is the view of evil, especially the fuel that drives it. In We The Living, Pavel Syerov is one of the main beneficiary of the Communist revolution. However, he didn't even participate in the main event that toppled the previous political establishment. It was misguided but honest people like Andrei who were the prime movers in that regard. Bottom line being, evil qua evil is impotent and requires “sanction of the good” consistently, to sustain itself. But actions of Les Mahler are fairly independent of good characters. That is, most of the times he can drive his tasks without any support from good characters. He does depend on Cylon the hacker a lot, but no way can he be classified as good. And Galileo, to move on is dependent on rational support of rational elements from the government that here is essentially evil. While John Galt also depended on actions of evil government bureaucrats and politicians in Atlas Shrugged. But he, Frisco, and others depended on irrational elements in the essentially corrupt system.
Though overall Les Mahler is a lot inferior to Galileo, but in complete scheme of things, he is not irrational enough.

Finally, I would comment on the view of invention in this novel. Natalie clearly spends most of the time, efforts, and risks in building anti-aging technology. But the primary breakthrough actually comes from Nina. So in this sense Nina is actually the main inventor, and Natalie is the one who just takes the invention to its logical conclusion, and gets the final credit. But any invention, and its basic trajectory ought to be the product of single mind. Enright House is Roark's, or Rearden metal belongs to Hank Rearden, no matter how many people are employed to build the final product. Even in real life, Macintosh, iPod, or iPhone are Steve Job's babies, given the history and trajectory of Apple. Seed idea of invention, as slightly hinted in the novel text, cannot and ought not be collective. The idea has to be an individual effort, even though final product requires multiple people.
Better approach should have been similar to the way Mark Zuckerberg discovers “Relationship Status” in the movie The Social Network. By getting Eureka moment when one of his friends is discussing relationships of their classmates.

To end this section on a personal footnote, one of my favorite line is the one which highlights the contemporary culture that blanks out genuinely heroic(read rational) actions. The line that emphasizes the point comes in Part 1, when twisted news of Natalie trying to exploit Zoe breaks out. It says that in perfectly sensational news stories, there are only victims and villains.


All in all, the plot of No Time to Die is rapidly moving, value driven, has suspense, and is therefore engaging. Characters are motivated, and therefore memorable. Style ties abstractions with corresponding concretes, and is therefore relatable. The theme and plot theme are contemporary and yet universal. This makes it an extremely relevant novel for a reader interested in adding spiritual fuel to his life. Looking forward to next novel in the series for more such fuel.

Kira Peikoff's "No Time To Die"


At a time when Freedom is the most discussed subject, and yet least understood. At a time when the need for medical advances is most urgent, and yet the field is most strangled. And at a time when relationships are most fragile, there could not have been a better read. What follows is my review of No Time To Die by Kira Peikoff.


What Freedom is, and what it is not? What are the consequences of having and not having freedom? And what are the prerequisites of Freedom?


Coercive regulations, too much government interference, sensation and propaganda driven mainstream media. How these cultural products slow down and stop progress in medical science? Alternatively, system where researchers, patients, venture capitalists, and their facilitators voluntarily trade. How such system leads to astonishing progress in medical science? Further, it also shows how reason can be used to overcome misunderstanding, or reach certainty in human relationships if people have an overall positive view of themselves and of other men.


1. Galileo : Very efficient in managing network that works in medical innovations. Network's recruitments and secrecy are pursued very skilfully by him. He is also very understanding and caring of people he values, and acts to help them whenever he thinks its required. He has a troubled past where he has lost his loved ones, and as a result he is conflicted and cautious in his present relationships, especially Romantic.
Purposeful action to achieve his long term, medium term, and short term goals being the defining feature of his character.

2. Natalie : Hard working, exceptionally intelligent, and very dedicated to her professional course. Very caring of her son, and of people like Zoe, Galileo, Helen, and others she gets to know and appreciate. Empathy also reflected towards small associations like her professional colleagues, and people she occasionally interacts with.
Defining characteristic being her courage to take risks after thinking about pros and cons in relation to her values, that is her work and her son.

3. Les Mahler : A bureaucrat convinced that genetic science will destroy the world, if not controlled by government. This idea leading him to vigorously pursue the network and its leader, and also contemplate killing an innocent child because of her genes. Willing to bend rules when official processes don't yield desired results, and use coercive threats and occasional bribery to get the work done by illegal means. As we later come to see, he has destructive agenda of his own, and will go to any lengths to destroy the things he does not like. At a deeper level we see that he is unwilling to take responsibility for his failures, and rationalizes his failed actions to blame someone else, mostly research scientists. And at deepest level, the hatred and paranoia comes from his inability to get over the bad childhood memories, bullies in particular.
Defining feature being his agenda to control scientific research in general, and Galileo's network in particular. Rationalization coming from the belief that he is saving earth's resources from overpopulation, virus called man etc.

4. Zoe : A girl affected by extremely rare genetic mutation, that makes her the target of medical science and political community. A passionate valuer when it comes to caring for her maternal grandfather, or for her own condition. Willing to go to any extent to fix the wrongs they are in. Develops inferiority complex because of the condition her body is in. Is naive in her initial understanding, but willing to learn about her condition in depth, about adolescence in general, genetic science, and the politics and ethics surrounding it.
Defining characteristic being her free spirit. Upholding independence of thought, values, and acting even in the face of extreme peril.

5. Granpa – Zoe's maternal grandfather : A very caring person when it comes to handling Zoe emotionally, her actions, and her relationship with parents. Has had very successful careers as athlete and physician. Has read good collection, and applies those learnings along with his experience to help Zoe. His understanding of Zoe's condition, and his willingness to help her in pursuit he thinks is right, being the defining characteristic.

6. Stephen Kincaid – Zoe's father : He comes out as very dominating figure, pushing his own flawed agenda onto his daughter. When things go out of control, and he later loses her, looks like he has realized his mistake.

7. Zoe's mother : She comes out as very noncommittal person, who does not seem to have any deep values. So ends up supporting whatever her husband says, and reacts with shallow emotions when things go wrong.

8. Theo : Son of Natalie whom she loves immensely. Very mature in handling relationships, whether its false news report related to Natalie, or handling tough situations while escaping to Network, or handling Zoe when she develops inner conflict within the campus. He has passion for computers and technology in general. 
His deep understanding of relationships, and about growing up in general being the defining characteristic.

9. Julian : Physically weak but quite clever. Tactfully handles when questioned by Les and others about his links to the network.


The tight plot full of twists and turns is the strongest aspect of the novel. Galileo and Zoe most times, and Natalie and Les sometimes being the movers of the plot. While the actions of Galileo move in the background, the actions of Zoe and Natalie are most visible in the initial part of the novel. Zoe motivated by the desire to discover and improve her condition, and to contribute to research that can help medical condition of Granpa. Natalie's passion to develop anti-aging techniques so that she can push ahead medical science, and also raising her son well, being the motivations that drive her and the plot. Like John Galt in Atlas Shrugged, Galileo comes into forefront of plot movement as the story progresses. Whether its deft handling of escape to the Network compound, arranging resources for driving research in the network, collecting and applying timely intelligence to secure secrecy of Network, or clarifying Zoe's insecurities. In each of the key moments he emerges as the man of clear thinking, quick and accurate decision making. A man of action, actions that are thought through. While Galileo most times is the prime mover, villain Les Mahler is also the mover. Whether its probing the moles of the Network in Columbia University, trying to track Natalie and kids when they escape, or later investigating the location of Network compound. Being a villain while he is dominantly irrational and brutal, there are elements of cleverness that drive the plot, particularly his blackmailing and occasional incentivizing of a hacker on parole.


Content of the novel primarily belongs to Biotechnology in particular, and medicine in general. Explaining the technical terms and very specific processes of these lesser known fields I think is a major challenge. Use of metaphors like searching lighted weed in an ocean for finding master gene, or chromosomes and genes being like chapters and words of a book are the few examples where complex concepts are explained. Often Zoe is used as an archetype for normal reader being explained to. Also, from time to time Kira makes it a point to reveal motivations of characters for their actions. Whether its value driven actions of positive characters, or rationalization and fear driven actions of negative ones. Occasional impulses of positive characters like Zoe escaping the compound also have valid reasoning. So simplifying technical complexities, and providing motivations along with specific actions of characters forms the core of style elements in novel.


So far I have reviewed the major elements of this fiction work – theme, plot theme, characters, plot, and style. Going a step further I would now discuss the writer's “Sense of Life”. That is, what aspects of life and man she considers important.

Clearly there is lots of optimism for what science and technology can do, and validly so. Then there is appreciation of how reason can lead to understanding in human relationships, provided there is benevolent view of man, life and existence on both sides.

To elaborate on the finer aspects I would compare sensibilities to those in We The Living by Ayn Rand. Compared to We The Living, the hero is clearly much more stronger, almost approaching John Galt of Atlas Shrugged in his thoughts and actions. There is however a minor let down when it comes to heroine's view of Hero. Overall no doubt she revers his intelligence, his actions, and his style derived from these. But that makes conversation in “Chapter 21” even more painful. After cops leave Julian's house leave, Theo makes a really cheap joke. Sometime later Natalie lightly accuses Galileo of not laughing. Given the situation, I think the joke and remark could have been avoided. But at a deeper level, it seems that Kira Peikoff does not yet has a fully integrated view of Hero, especially the single minded persistence needed in the face of mortal danger. So in that sense, attitude of character Kira from We The Living towards Leo was much more reverential and consistent. From the theme perspective, the level of No Time to Die is political like We The Living. Impact of “Totalitarian State” on lives being the theme of latter. In No Time to Die however, the foundations of freedom in reason are explored to a much greater extent. Like the explanation of Galileo as to how Humans can adapt to progress like anti-aging technologies. In We The Living, while ethics of self-interest finds form in various actions, given the dark setup, scope for what reason means is limited. Further, the altruistic and irrational foundations of Les Mahler's coercive and violent actions is also explored in sufficient detail.

Another aspect I would like to explore is the view of evil, especially the fuel that drives it. In We The Living, Pavel Syerov is one of the main beneficiary of the Communist revolution. However, he didn't even participate in the main event that toppled the previous political establishment. It was misguided but honest people like Andrei who were the prime movers in that regard. Bottom line being, evil qua evil is impotent and requires “sanction of the good” consistently, to sustain itself. But actions of Les Mahler are fairly independent of good characters. That is, most of the times he can drive his tasks without any support from good characters. He does depend on Cylon the hacker a lot, but no way can he be classified as good. And Galileo, to move on is dependent on rational support of rational elements from the government that here is essentially evil. While John Galt also depended on actions of evil government bureaucrats and politicians in Atlas Shrugged. But he, Frisco, and others depended on irrational elements in the essentially corrupt system.
Though overall Les Mahler is a lot inferior to Galileo, but in complete scheme of things, he is not irrational enough.

Finally, I would comment on the view of invention in this novel. Natalie clearly spends most of the time, efforts, and risks in building anti-aging technology. But the primary breakthrough actually comes from Nina. So in this sense Nina is actually the main inventor, and Natalie is the one who just takes the invention to its logical conclusion, and gets the final credit. But any invention, and its basic trajectory ought to be the product of single mind. Enright House is Roark's, or Rearden metal belongs to Hank Rearden, no matter how many people are employed to build the final product. Even in real life, Macintosh, iPod, or iPhone are Steve Job's babies, given the history and trajectory of Apple. Seed idea of invention, as slightly hinted in the novel text, cannot and ought not be collective. The idea has to be an individual effort, even though final product requires multiple people.
Better approach should have been similar to the way Mark Zuckerberg discovers “Relationship Status” in the movie The Social Network. By getting Eureka moment when one of his friends is discussing relationships of their classmates.

To end this section on a personal footnote, one of my favorite line is the one which highlights the contemporary culture that blanks out genuinely heroic(read rational) actions. The line that emphasizes the point comes in Part 1, when twisted news of Natalie trying to exploit Zoe breaks out. It says that in perfectly sensational news stories, there are only victims and villains.


All in all, the plot of No Time to Die is rapidly moving, value driven, has suspense, and is therefore engaging. Characters are motivated, and therefore memorable. Style ties abstractions with corresponding concretes, and is therefore relatable. The theme and plot theme are contemporary and yet universal. This makes it an extremely relevant novel for a reader interested in adding spiritual fuel to his life. Looking forward to next novel in the series for more such fuel.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Outline for the review of Half-Girlfriend by Chetan Bhagat

(Complete review coming after second reading) 

**Contains few spoilers**

Theme : Role of relationships in life. That is their role in pursuit or hinderance to achievements in life. Achievements involving pursuit of values like a good school, a good life, profession of choice, a good lover etc.

Plot-Theme : How love of a linguistically inferior in English Bihar boy, towards rich and sophisticated uptown Delhi girl drives important life choices he makes, corresponding actions he takes, and success he gets. Secondarily these choices being driven by other relationships as well, like his mother, local MLA, Bill Gates foundation people, friends in college and later etc. And relationships also driving choices and actions of female protangonist,  mother of male protagonist, husband of female protagonist for sometime and his mother, local MLA etc.

Plot : 

 Fast paced and action-oriented. Forward movement, whether in relationships or in pursuit of goals. Movement of plot and appearance of conflict driven by the view of characters towards relationships in general, and towards particular relationships. Important milestones driving the plot being combination of chance and choice, the ratio of element of choice and element of chance varying.
a.) Madhav-Riya friendship and break-up : Driven mostly by choice except initial part.
b.) Madhav deciding to help out mother with school rather than pursue a good bank job : Driven by choice.
c.) Meeting Riya second time : Driven mostly by chance, with very little element of choice.
d.) Discovering true condition and motivations of Riya : Mostly chance, though I think there might be very little element of choice here as well.
e.) Finally finding Riya : Even balance of chance and choice, loading in favor of chance
(In Ayn Rand novels, all the action is determined by choice of main characters).

Whether you agree or not with the element of chance in plot movement, the fact that the plot indeed moves forward, without taking arbitrary leaps, is a very satisfying read. Whether its life or fiction, forward movement, occassional conflicts, happiness on their resolution, despair and strength(mental, emotional, and to lesser extent these days - physical) are essence of life.

Characters :

a.) Madhav : Low self-esteem, but disciplined dedication towards his important life-goals. Passionate about few people he loves and admires. Acts to promote and preserve relationships, though at times too hasty promotion leads to snapping of relationships instead. Started by being unsure of what actions to take, but as his love matures overtime, he becomes more and more confident of his pursuits. Sex and relationships(in general) a means of acquiring self-esteem rather than expressing them. Gains confidence from relationships and invests that confidence in personal and professional pursuits, rather than other way it ought to be. Has a strong connection between his fundamental values discovered overtime, and emotional response to those values. Values may be abstract like his view of relationships in general, or concrete like Riya, school, mother, basketball etc. Basic conflict arising when he puts lesser values before deeper ones, like his view that the relationship should be promoted before connection to Riya, and her aspirations.

b.) Riya : Spiteful of relationships because of being sexually exploited by a trusted person when she was very young. Spite increases many fold after failed attempt of Madhav and bad marraige.
Spite leading her to abandon Madhav at crucial point in the relationship.
Wants to pursue professional ambition more passionately than Madhav, but lacks confidence to achieve it independently. Is finally able to pursue the dream, though after taking help from person she never forgives. The lack of confidence in independent action also leading to wrong choices like bad marraige.
But when we saw her side as a skilful planner and master executive during training of Madhav in English speaking, we realize that under-confidence has foundation in her deep skepticism rather than actual facts.

c.) Rani Sahiba(Madhav's mother) : Loves her son, wants affection and obedience from son more than the relationship deserves. Over-protective of her son due to heightened expectations. Action oriented for what she values, like running school and in her brief confrontation with Riya.

d.) Rohan : Seeks power in personal and professional aspects of his life. Wants to accomplish what he wants(Riya and empire of Hotel business), without thinking through all aspects. Does not reason the opinion of his mother or Riya, acts based on who has said rather than what. Gets bored very quickly after achieving the object of his desire. Loves his mother without really analyzing her actions or motivations.

e.) Ojha MLA : Bit corrupt but development oriented, ambitious politician. Values relationships for personal benefits and ambition.

f.) Shailesh : Intelligent, Hard-working, practical, "work life-personal life" balance despite tough work schedule. Values friendship, but is not afraid to give honest opinion, and abandon friend if he crosses the line.

Style :  

Description of scene where actions take place is quite vivid. Whether its St. Stephens college or other posh areas of Delhi. The dilipitated house, school, or village / city in Bihar. Or street, avenues, park, clubs and restaurants of New York. These are detailed, and description is just enough to engage the reader to story, but not distract him with too much irrelevant information. Description of appearance is limited, but verbalizing thoughts of protagonist or emphasizing subtle actions of secondary characters conveys a lot. Even the places they live, or the conditions they live in tells a lot about people. Historical references to Battle of Buxar or industrial revolution, also try to explain the current situation of Bihar better. References to popular events like youtube video of Steve Jobs are also very captivating, capturing the attention of reader.

All in all, while characters, plot, and theme are also strong, and much better than contemporaries. Its his style that makes Chetan Bhagat the darling of masses, and maybe the object of hatred among mainstream intellectuals.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

My view of main plot twist in Half-Girlfriend by Chetan Bhagat

I have read many twists in plots. And recently I read one from Half-Girlfriend by Chetan Bhagat. Its right up there, equivalent or even better than some of the following....

John Galt declaring war on the altruist morality with his declaration "I will stop motor of the world", Howard Roark dynamiting Corndalt homes building - his architectural step child torn apart by second handers, Portia's statement to Shylock - "A pound of Flesh but not a jot of blood", Raskolnikov's confession of murder in "Crime and Punishment". Letter of Jean Valjean in his moment of lonely death, passionately describing his invention; Great escape in "Shawshank Redumption", Magwitch revealing to Pip that he is his benefactor, the cab driver who is murderer in "Study in Scarlett", duty over friendship of cop in O Henry's "After Twenty Years", the speech of Reverend in "Scarlet Letter".....

.....As I read through the plot twist of half-girlfriend at the end of second part "Bihar", all these memories kept getting to me throughout the day. Thanks CB for re-introducing me to fiction reading, after years in non-fiction wilderness.


Wednesday, June 11, 2014


About the Platform: "Study Group For Objectivists"(SGO)[1] is for serious students of Objectivism from various age groups and professions. The study is specialized and involves particular texts(not necessarily Objectivists), mainly in the fields of philosophy and history. The student, after studying the text can give summary, outline, or detailed analysis and synthesis of select sections(referred to as chewing by Ayn Rand). Rigrous etiquettes, timebound schedules for various sections and advance notice enables better discipline, and therefore productive study. Based on personal experience, I can vouch for the same.

Purpose of Platform: These study groups intend to achieve for Objectivism, what various intellectuals and philosophers did post Acquinas in the West. Explore various writings to understand rational philosophy across length, breadth and depth of intellectual spectrum, and unleash the new era of Renaissance and Enlightenment. Spiritual awakening that begins with the minds of participants, fulfilling their lives with knowledge, understanding, wisdom and therefore joy. Unleashing "The New Intellectuals" into current ruins of philosophy, to redeem its lost foundations and for cultivating the seeds for future movements.
To put it succintly, this is the stock exchange for trading rational ideas, one text at a time.

Current Study Group: Coming to the current study group, it is on the subject of philosophy, epistemology to be more specific.

As Ayn Rand puts it,
"A political battle is merely a skirmish[small battle] fought with muskets; a philosophical battle is a nuclear war."

As is clearly communicated in many Objectivist forums, Epistemology is the foundation of more visible philosophical aspects like Politics, Ethics and Aesthetics. And ultimately foundation of every subject ranging from physical sciences to economics to history to psychology to even technology(like logic in computers).

Ayn Rand's Introduction to Objectivist Epistemology(ITOE), her other works to lesser extent, and portions of Dr. Peikoff's Objectivism : Philosophy of Ayn Rand(OPAR) focus on Epistemology. You can also add Dr. Peikoff's lectures on "Art of Thinking", "Objectivism through Induction", and recent How we Know by Dr. Harry Binswanger. Yet this important branch has largely been understudied in this potentially world changing movement.

This studygroup intends to take step in that direction. Attempting to redirect focus to its roots, Epistemology that is. We will study foundation of aspect that has been least touched in Objectivist epistemology, inductive method of thinking.

Very briefly, inductive method involves integrating universal generalizations like principles and laws from a set of particulars or lower level generalizations. The text will introduce and explore important terms of inductive method, and what these refer to. Primary referents of the terms being methods of discoveries of Galileo, Newton, and Benjamin Franklin's electricity.

We will study "The Logical Leap - Induction in Physics" by David Harriman. Chapter studied will be the first chapter "The Foundation". 
Namely the following sections 
1    09/08/2014 - 09/14/2014         The Nature of Concepts
2    09/15/2014 - 09/21/2014         Generalizations as Hierarchial
3    09/22/2014 - 09/28/2014         Perceiving First-Level Causal Connections
4    09/29/2014 - 09/05/2014         Conceptualizing First-Level Causal Connections
5    10/06/2014 - 10/12/2014         The structure of inductive reasoning
6    10/13/2014 - 10/19/2014         Review and summary

Apart from this central material, preperatory material can be
1. Chapter 1. "Cognition and Measurement" from "Introduction to Objectivist Epistemology".
2. Chapter 2. "Concept-Formation" from "Introduction to Objectivist Epistemology".
3. Section on "Causality as Corollary of Identity" from chapter 1 "Reality" of OPAR.
4. Introduction and Preface of "The Logical Leap - Induction in Physics".

Conclusion: So primarily for fulfilling your appetite of rational method, and changing course of civilization in the process, I urge you to consider participation here.
"Study Group for Objectivists" - http://www.studygroupsforobjectivists.com"

Note: After you register, activation can take few days. Please go through the etiquettes and archives once registered.

[1] Study group for Objectivists(SGO) - http://www.studygroupsforobjectivists.com
[2] Further details on the importance of SGO - http://aristotleadventure.blogspot.in/2008/08/study-groups-for-objectivists-sgo_29.html